By Sherry Hamilton on January 25, 2023

mathews broadband towers break ground

SHERRY HAMILTON / GAZETTE-JOURNAL The Mathews County Board of Supervisors and the Mathews Broadband Advisory Board broke ground Tuesday on the first of two communication towers being built in the county. Participants were, from left, E.L. Muller Construction Company project superintendent Rick Moore; Mathews County Building Official Kevin Zoll and Administrator Ramona Wilson; Mathews Supervisors Mike Walls and Dave Jones; Mathews Broadband Advisory Board Chair Judy Rowe, member Joe Syslo, consultant Jeff Beekhoo of Broadband Telecom, and member Greg Lewis; Mathews Supervisor Paul Hudgins; and Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad President Scott Bergman.

Mathews supervisors and members of the county’s Broadband Advisory Board held a groundbreaking Tuesday for the first of two communication towers being built in the county, this one at Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad on Cricket Hill Road at Hudgins. Groundbreaking for the second tower, at Mathews Volunteer Fire Department Station 2 in Bohannon, is expected in mid-February.
Rick Moore, project superintendent for E.L. Muller Construction Company of Charles City, said that the hole for the tower foundation was dug on Monday and, on Tuesday, the rebar reinforcement cage and the tower anchorbolts were put in place before the concrete foundation was poured. The tower itself, which will be bolted to the foundation by the anchorbolts, is scheduled for placement on Feb. 28. Moore said the project is “right on schedule.”
Dave Jones, chairman of the Mathews Board of Supervisors, applauded Broadband Advisory Board chair Judy Rowe “for making this happen for the county.”
“It was her vision that made …